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Pembroke Pines
Dr. Jill Westfall is a medical practitioner treating patients in Pembroke Pines for the past 16 years. She practices at Spinalworx, where conservative treatments are applied, that are proven and effective in treating patients with headaches and muscle strains.
The therapy isn’t limited to just those who are going through excessive pain but to those who are looking towards a healthier lifestyle.
Dr. Jill Westfall loves to treat expectant moms. Her clinic has all the requisite facilities to treat pregnant women and children. She is also an expert in treating pinched or inflamed nerves, a very common and complex subluxation condition where the dislocation of a bone, muscle or joint should only be treated by an expert chiropractor.
Consult us for pain management solutions related to disc injuries, pregnancy pains and joint pains throughout your body be it shoulders, wrists and hands, hips, knees, ankles and feet. Click here to request an appointment.